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At the Banda Islands, you find some of the world's healthiest reefs. As greenfins member, a dive center that commits to reduce its environmental impact to the minimum, we would like to encourage you to do your best and stick to the following rules when you dive with us.
Do not touch anything underwater.
Do not wear gloves.
If you use a stick, use it only to point or to carefully push off from non-living substrates.
Do not overuse the flash of your camera. Marine organisms are often sensitive to light.
Remind our dive guides if they do not follow the rules above.
Do not apply sunscreen just before diving and only use reef-safe sunscreen.
Be very careful with your fins. You might kick corals or stir up sediments.
Use ash trays: cigarette buds are toxin for the ocean
Reduce the amount of disposable plastics you produce during your stay: refill your water bottle, refuse drinking straws and plastic bags, ask us for food containers if you want to get take away food.

Green Fins is a comprehensive approach that encourages dive centres and snorkel operators, local communities and governments to work together to reduce their environmental impacts. We became member in November 2019 and are the only Greenfins dive center at the Banda Islands. Read more about Greenfins here or download their free eductional materials and posters from here.
We support initiatives on the island, which work for waste management and education of local students in marine biology and conservation. Together with them, we organize beach- and underwater cleanups and we contribute to the dive training of selected local students. For more information, visit and
Please download this brochure to learn moe about responsible behaviour on small islands like Banda.
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